Comments on: Contact Delicious Recipes Designed for Small Budgets Tue, 07 Jun 2022 13:21:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Beth Moncel Sat, 20 May 2017 23:38:10 +0000 In reply to Cassie.

I have a few recipes with bulgur and farro, but haven’t used millet or sorghum. Most of my grain recipes are interchangeable though, so you can sub whatever cooked grain you like. To pull up the recipes with bulgur and farro, simply type “bulgur” or “farro” into the search box on the top right of the website.

By: Cassie Thu, 18 May 2017 04:10:36 +0000 We have been trying to incorporate different grains into our diet. Do you have any suggestions for recipes incorporating millet, bulgur, sorghum, and farro?

By: Liz R. Wed, 17 May 2017 15:44:13 +0000 I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for such a great recipe website. My husband and I discovered your site last summer and we visit it often for new recipes. Many of your dishes are now part of our regular rotation! We have a toddler and started a new business last year, so the budget has, obviously, been tight. Finding new recipes from your site that we actually enjoy that are also inexpensive has been fantastic! We particularly like the vegetarian dishes, one pot/skillet recipes, and anything we spaghetti squash (do more with spaghetti squash – my kid loves it!). Keep it up!

By: Beth Moncel Sun, 30 Apr 2017 14:36:12 +0000 In reply to Millie.

Thank you, Millie!! That means the world to me. :) :)

By: Millie Fri, 28 Apr 2017 19:10:36 +0000 My husband started graduate school last fall and in order for us to pay for it, I had to reduce all of our costs, most of all our food bill. Beth, your website has been a LIFE SAVER. You have saved me so much money and stress. I would be lost without this website!! I am a novice cook and I’ve found your recipes to be well written, sensible, delicious and EASY. It is obvious how much thought and time you put into writing them out.
There is no one out there doing what you’re doing and I am eternally grateful to you. Thank you so much for this labor of love you’ve undertaken. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.

P.s. – I found your website through

By: Beth Moncel Sun, 12 Mar 2017 01:05:54 +0000 In reply to Mary Tazewell.

Yes, as long as you cite them as coming from Thank you :)

By: Mary Tazewell Wed, 08 Mar 2017 15:27:24 +0000 I am building a basic cookbook to hand out with groceries at my Methodist Church’s very small food pantry. May I use some of your recipes? They look very nutritious, and easy ! That is important because some of our clients have a very low level of cooking skill and/or confidence in the kitchen. As I said, our food pantry is small, so the number of booklets handed out would be less than 10/year. Sincerely yours, Mary

By: LT Sat, 04 Mar 2017 02:54:30 +0000 Love your recipes. But…

Your website has become bloated and almost unusable. My iphone was getting hot trying to render it and even my laptop is having trouble.

Banner ads, sidebar ads, several videos–it’s all creating a bad user experience. MAYBE a laptop can handle it, but you might want to consider having the webserver provide a mobile version (it can detect if the user is on a phone or tablet). Honestly, though I’d pare it down both ways.

You had a great thing going, and have a lot to offer in your recipes, style, photos, and writing. Don’t lose your audience because of your website. I’d love for you to go back to the old, clean, crisp website.

By: Frieda Jolene Fri, 24 Feb 2017 05:23:56 +0000 Wow! As I was crunching numbers tonight – trying to figure out how I am going to live down to every penny, I looked up some recipes on matzo ball soup, because I knew that had to be cheap to make …and I stumbled upon your site for the matzo ball soup, but WOW! I love it!!!! I can’t wait to try some of these wonderful budget-friendly recipes. Thanks for making such a budget conscience recipe resource!!! Well, done!!

By: Beth Moncel Tue, 07 Feb 2017 23:06:14 +0000 In reply to Harry.

No, unfortunately I only have it sorted by category.
