Comments on: Cabbage Soup Delicious Recipes Designed for Small Budgets Sun, 22 Sep 2024 17:20:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Beth Moncel Tue, 14 Dec 2021 15:04:08 +0000 In reply to Shannon Laurberg.

I think red bell peppers would be great in this. :)

By: Shannon Laurberg Tue, 14 Dec 2021 00:30:21 +0000 I was wondering about using this soup as a way to get more daily vegetables, so thank you. Question: would red bell peppers mess up the flavor much? My housemate doesn’t like green pepper.

By: JoAnn Mon, 18 Oct 2021 05:04:50 +0000 The “Cabbage Soup Diet” [which also includes eating fruits and veggies as well as an occasional “heavy carb” (i.e., a potato) plus a few proteins tossed in — towards the end of the week – for good measure] is ALIVE and WELL! And this Soup made our7-day adventure to the tip of the abyss not only bearable, but actually quite pleasant (IOWs, it’s as DELICIOUS as a Cabbage Soup can be!) My adult-Daughter and I have a Wedding we’ll be attending mid-next month and, for whatever reason (???) Keto just wasn’t “dong it” for us :( . But THIS SOUP — in coordination with other of “The Cabbage Soup Diet” directives caused ME to lose 9 lbs. in a week and my Daughter to lose 12. We’ll be going back onto our Keto regimen starting 2morrow and then (after 2weeks) doing the “Cabbage Soup Diet” once again for another week. While the immediate objective is that the Dresses will fit, I can see myself using this recipe to make THIS Cabbage Soup many times during the current Autumn and upcoming Winter seasons. It really IS that GOOD! Thank you, Bth, for this delightful recipe.

By: Trish Tue, 21 Sep 2021 22:51:06 +0000 This is great stuff!

By: Beth Moncel Wed, 15 Sep 2021 12:04:54 +0000 In reply to Lola Layy.

Unfortunately, the tomato ingredients are a big part of this recipe, and replacing them would change it quite a bit. So I’d need to reformulate and test options before offering a suggestion.

By: Lola Layy Wed, 15 Sep 2021 08:08:27 +0000 Can you recommend what I can substitute for the tomatoes and tomato sauce? I am allergic to them unfortunately.

By: Toya Mon, 30 Aug 2021 04:43:05 +0000 I made this soup tonight and it was very delicious!! It’s very comforting and hearty, the only think that I did differently was to add some cooked tofu to the soup to add some protein to it.

By: Alison Polkinghorne Thu, 10 Jun 2021 13:14:29 +0000 In reply to Kelly – Budget Bytes.

I made this recipe to lose weight. It was designed for those who were awaiting Cardiac Surgery to slim off.
I used to make a double batch and freeze it. I did lose a lot of weight and had it for more than two years. I will start again.

By: Cris Sun, 06 Jun 2021 03:37:29 +0000 Love this healthy soup. I make a double batch in a huge pot and then freeze it in individual containers for future meal portions. This soup plus the Budget Bytes freezer garlic bread is a real treat on a chilly day. This soup has saved my wallet and waistline from fast food on many occasions – why do drive through when this takes less than 10 minutes to heat in the microwave and is full of delicious veggies. Modifications I make:
1. I add chicken for protein. While I’m cooking the soup, in a separate pan with a lid, I poach chicken breast to shred and then add to the soup. ( I put a portion of shredded chicken into each of the containers for the freezer portions, and then fill them up with soup.
2. Instead of the tomato sauce, I just replace the liquid with more broth instead, for my personal taste.
3. I add sliced mushrooms and whatever else I have such as zucchini. Bring on the veggies.
4. It adds a pan to wash, but I use Better than Bouillion and I just find it easiest to boil up a separate pot of water and make the broth and then pour the hot boiling broth into the pot of veggies. It adds a pot to wash, but no scrubbing so this is not a big deal.
5. I add a few pinches of shredded Romano cheese (or Parmesan or even a little shredded mozzarella).
Not related to this recipe, but want to tout the freezer garlic bread again, it just makes meals scrounged from leftovers, bagged salad kits, or whatever you defrosted that was lurking in the back of the freezer between zoom calls on a work from home day suddenly seem like an intentional meal.

By: Hollis Ramsey Tue, 20 Apr 2021 19:06:49 +0000 I like okra in this soup, it thickens it a little and it tastes great! But y’know what would REALLY give it a wonderful kick? — half of a small or 1/4 of a large preserved lemon, flesh and all, minced and mixed in near the end. Oh yeah, that’s what I’m gonna do.
