Mastercard, HP, Covestro and More: TrendWatching's November Gigs

As we careered towards the end of the year, our schedule of Bespoke client gigs showed no signs of letting up. From a keynote presentation and workshop for Mastercard UK to a hands-on webinar for CEIN in Spain, here is an edited snapshot of what we got up to in November.


A handful of TrendWatching's November gigs...


Ryerson University – Victoria Chapman and Camilla Van Grembergen hosted a virtual workshop in which they walked students at Ryerson University through the Consumer Trend Canvas. 

Covestro - Senior Trend Analyst Erick Smet presented a webinar to employees at Covestro before taking part in a future-focused panel discussion.

Mastercard – As part of an ongoing partnership, Senior Trend Analyst Vicki Loomes presented a keynote to employees at Mastercard and hosted a webinar which revolved around our Purpose-Driven Innovation methodology. 

DSM – With support from Erick Smet, Senior Trend Analyst Raymond Kollau hosted a workshop for DSM Personal Care.  

Rexor Benelux - Trend Analyst Camilla Van Grembergen presented a keynote to the fashion buying group Rexor Benelux in Antwerp.  

CEIN – Livia Fioretti, a Senior Trend Analyst and Head of Academy, hosted a workshop for CEIN’s team in Spain. 

HP – Building on previous work with the UK-based tech company HP, Vicki Loomes drafted a Bespoke report on the most pertinent trends in the consumer electronics sector.


Get your team 2022-ready by recruiting one of our analysts to deliver a Bespoke presentation or workshop. Read more about our Bespoke services, or contact our Business Development Director, Matthijs van Waveren.

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