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To make some of our trends, insights and innovations truly come alive, we organize webinars and events throughout the year, and throughout the world. See you soon?

2024 Trend Events

Join us at one of our flagship Trend Events in Asia, Europe or North America.

Enjoy an eclectic immersion into endless meaningful business opportunities - from 2025's biggest trends to the latest examples of how AI is deeply shaping consumer expectations.

And yes, plenty of opportunity to network with your fellow trend people is included, too

Choose from: 


27 August 2024


26 September 2024
(Only few tickets left)

10 October 2024

Free Webinars

Whether it's a webinar about one of the hottest consumer trends for 2025 or an online deep-dive into one of our trend-driven ideation tools with one of our Senior Analysts, our free webinars come packed with insights — Q&A included.

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Any questions?

Email Giulia Bolzan, our Events & Webinars Coordinator - your message will go straight into her inbox and will be replied to asap.