
Everything our analysts and teams are doing, creating, publishing, organizing and more. For you.

Happy (Actionable, Meaningful) New Year from...

By Reinier Evers, 5 January 2022
Dear fellow trend enthusiasts, innovators and purpose-driven professionals,
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Mastercard, HP, Covestro and More:...

By The TrendWatching Team, 17 December 2021
As we careered towards the end of the year, our schedule of Bespoke client gigs showed no signs of letting up. From a keynote presentation and workshop for Mastercard UK to a hands-on webinar for CEIN in Spain, here is an edited snapshot of what we got up to ...
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Patagonia’s New Move and a Plant-Based Dating...

By Joaquim Moody, 13 December 2021
Every month our global spotters network, tw:in, sends out a newsletter highlighting the five most thought-provoking innovations shared by the community. Like what you see? Join tw:in to access hundreds more bright ideas, and to share on-the-ground findings ...
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IAB Bulgaria, Universidad del Desarrollo and...

By The TrendWatching Team, 12 November 2021
We launched into Q4 2021 with gusto – helping clients and students across the globe to deliver on their purpose missions through a series of keynote presentations and hands-on workshops. From Chile to Bulgaria, here are some of our favourite gigs from last ...
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Starbucks x Netflix and and Haptic Van Gogh:...

By Joaquim Moody, 8 November 2021
Every month our global spotters network, tw:in, sends out a newsletter highlighting the five most thought-provoking innovations shared by the community. Like what you see? Join tw:in to access hundreds more bright ideas, and to share on-the-ground findings ...
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Move Over Meta: Here’s How Brands Can Use The...

By Robbie Hodges, 2 November 2021
Wowza. Doesn’t the metaverse look like a whole lot of fun? If Mark ‘Zuck’ Zuckerberg’s recent keynote was anything to go by, in five years’ time we’ll all work from virtual offices plucked from the pages of Architectural Digest and spend our leisure time ...
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Innovate With Purpose: TrendWatching’s COP26...

By The TrendWatching Team, 26 October 2021
As world leaders convene in Glasgow for COP26, we’ve pulled together a handy cheat sheet covering all of the conference’s key themes and, more importantly, how your brand can respond to them. We’re not just talking about charitable donations here, but ...
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Eight of the Best Purpose-Driven Innovations at...

By Franziska Füsting, 26 October 2021
“How do you spot trends?” If we had a dime for every time we’ve been asked that question…
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